DAFEG - who we are
DAFEG is the acronym for "Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Evangelische Gehörlosenseelsorge"
resp. the German association of persons working in the Protestant ministry for the Deaf. It is the
umbrella organisation for Pastoral Care among Deaf People in Germany and member of the IEWG.
The main aims and purposes of DAFEG are
• promoting the ministry by the association within the Evangelical
Church in Germany (EKD) and its member churches
• Training and further education of pastors for the Deaf
• Training of deaf workers in the parishes of the Deaf
• Mission of the Deaf (in cooperation with the Finish Deaf Mission)
• Socio-ethical topics (e.g. gene technology; forced sterilization
during the National Socialism)
In its work, DAFEG focuses on theological, liturgical issues and congregational development as well
as the relations with other churches and deaf communities. The persons involved are deaf experts
resp. Pastors or Deacons with additional training for the chaplaincy among deaf people.
To communicate they are using the German sign language (DGS).